News & Events

Linguistic fieldwork on Bantu varieties spoken by fishermen around Lisala and Bumba in the Mongala province (DRC) (19 August 2024) - From July 6 to August 3, Prof. Jean Pierre Donzo carried out linguistic fieldwork within the framework of the CongUbangi project in areas surrounding Lisala and Bumba, two locations in the Mongala province of the DRC. He collected lexical and… Read more
Linguistic and genetic fieldwork on Ndunga [ndt] (Ubangi, Mbaic) in the Mongala province (DRC) (6 August 2024) - From July 6 to August 18, Chrisnah Renaudot Mfouhou will be conducting linguistic fieldwork on Ndunga, an enclaved Mbaic (Ubangi) variety spoken in several villages around Lisala in the Mongala province of the DRC. In this first fieldwork mission, Chrisnah… Read more
Linguistic and genetic fieldwork on Furu [fuu] (Central Sudanic?) in the Nord-Ubangi province (DRC) (5 June 2024) - From May 6 to June 6 Paulin Baraka Bose will be conducting fieldwork on Furu, a putative Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi (SBB) language (Central Sudanic) spoken in several villages to the northeast of Bosobolo along the left bank of the Ubangi River, in… Read more
First joint fieldwork mission of the CongUbangi team in the Sud-Ubangi province (DRC) (5 May 2024) - From April 17 to May 8, the CongUbangi team and associated researchers carried out a first joint fieldwork mission in Gemena and Libenge, in the province of Sud-Ubangi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The linguistic team consisted… Read more